Monday, November 26, 2012

From My Utmost for His Highest...

The apostle Paul had a strong and steady underlying consistency in his life. Consequently, he could let his external life change without internal distress because he was rooted and grounded in God. Most of us are not consistent spiritually, because we are more concerned with being consistent externally.

"God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ," he wrote in Galatians 6:14.

I didn't get up this morning and think about who I am, really. Which is to say, God's child, someone He's working on, someone He intends to use for His perfect, lovely purposes. I got Isabel and Lily off to school (lunches, smoothies, shoes, hairbrush...). I walked the dog, ate breakfast, read a book review in The New York Times, cleaned up, said goodbye to Lee (cranky as always, pre-coffee). 

Actually, prior to all that I woke up super early--say, 4 am--from a toothache that's still bothering me since my dentist appointment two weeks ago. That means he might have hit a nerve, which means back again, more money and time spent in pain and discomfort. So I took yet another Advil and pushed the thought aside.

Let's go back and practice gratitude. I am grateful for teeth. I am grateful for having the money and time to get them fixed when they are aching. I am grateful for Advil, and grateful that, who knows, this pain might subside on its own if I give it another week.

I think of this pain as an opportunity to be the person I long to be, someone who doesn't grumble and complain about small things, and who trusts. Someone whose first inclination is to pray for healing. Lord, I pray that You would heal my aching tooth. There. I've prayed. Now I will wait and see.

Today I have work to do: an iVillage post, as usual, and also a gallery about Dancing With the Stars. I also have to see if I can find some neighbors to help with set-up on Saturday before the neighborhood Christmas brunch. I want to serve joyfully. With Your help, Lord, I'll serve joyfully. What a great opportunity to show love to others! And with no expectation for love in return. 

I need to start shopping for Christmas gifts. I need to review the Christmas pageant script. I need to buy party supplies for Saturday, and groceries for dinner and general needs. Can I do all of this with a spirit of love and joy? Lord, I pray for Your strength today, that I'll have a sense of Your presence.

In Your son's name I pray,