Friday, May 29, 2015


Lord, you have been our dwelling place
    throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
    or you brought forth the whole world,
    from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 

You turn people back to dust,
    saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”
A thousand years in your sight
    are like a day that has just gone by,
    or like a watch in the night.
Yet you sweep people away in the sleep of death—
    they are like the new grass of the morning:
In the morning it springs up new,
    but by evening it is dry and withered.

Psalm 90

Lord, I need to reorient myself, put myself back in the proper perspective. I'm made of dust. My life span is a fraction of a day. 

I'm feeling guilty about being home and not bringing in more money for our family. Lord, I pray for this book, that this gamble will pay off. I pray that this book will be Yours, and that You will enrich my family through it. I pray that if that is a selfish and self-centered desire, that You would change me. Change my attitude. I long to rest in You.

I pray that You would move me through Chapter 11, make Chapter 11 a pivotal turning point and my best chapter yet. Help me to ease through it.

I pray for my girls and the two girls who are playing at our house today. I pray for Your protection over them as they jump on the trampoline. I pray that they will place nicely together.

I pray for this peacemaking group, which is already causing conflict. Or conflict avoidance, I should say. Lord, show me how to handle the various hurt feelings and decisions not to participate because of them.

You are God, and I am Your beloved child. I am small, You are massive. I pray that You would redirect my thoughts towards You and my focus towards You.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Where am I in my ingratitude? Do I come back to the throne of grace frequently to thank God?

Dad called and harangued me for not reading Mom's blog this morning, and I got mad and hung up on him. It ruined my morning. I'm just irritated by him. 

Lord, please change my attitude. Help me to see that despite his failings, he loves me and is for me. I don't like him right now. Will you change that in me? He seems bent on irritating me, making me feel guilty, inconveniencing me. I cannot do an about face and live and let live without Your intervention. Please please intervene and change my heart.

I pray for chapter 11 of my book. Where do I go from here Lord? Show me the way.

I pray for the swim meet tonight. I pray that Lily and Isabel will do well, and feel at peace. I pray that I will be kind despite my discomfort at being there.

I pray for my peacemaking group, that Robin will be able to do it on that date and that I can move forward in my preparations.

I pray for Lily and Isabel as they learn their math facts. Please give them the will to learn them, and an ease of memorization.

I pray for Lee, for his attitude, for his spirit.

In Your son's precious name I pray,

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

LUKE 7:47

Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.


You were with me and Lily all the way to GA Tech and all the way back. Despite heavy traffic and rain and inexperience, we made it safely home. Thank you, Lord. I should have prayed more during the trip. Work in progress.

I pray today for protection over my children. And for me while I run errands. I pray that I will get some work done on the book, and that Laurel will feel comfortable.

I pray for the book. I need Your spirit and Your power to guide me forward. I pray this will be Your book. 

I pray for Beth and Abigail and the others in Kenya, for protection over their health and safety and that they might get Your work accomplished while they are there.

I pray for Lee. Fill him with Your spirit of positivity and love. I pray that he will know that he is loved. Show me how to show him that! I pray for his health, and for Your intervention into his life. I pray blessing upon blessing on him. I pray that You would use him for Your purposes at work and at the office. I pray that You would fill me with a spirit of love and helpfulness for Lee. Lord, make me want to love him more, and then show me how to do it! Fill me to brimming with love for him!

Lord, I ask for a deepening of my love for You and for a deeper sense of Your presence in my life.

I pray for this book, that I might get it done in a timely fashion.

In Your son's precious name I pray, Amen 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

traveling mercies

Why do you call me, Lord, and do not do what I say?
Luke 6:46

Lord Jesus,
I desperately need Your help to walk with You and do what You say. I pray that You will remind me when I forget, which is often, to treat others as I would want to be treated.

Today I have to drive Lily to her dress rehearsal for her recital. I pray for a smooth and easy ride to the Ferst Center at Georgia Tech. I pray that the rain will hold off, or that it will be light. I pray that You would go with us and keep us safe from accidents. I pray that I would remain calm while I drive, and that the way would be clear and easy. I pray that You will help me, and that I will feel Your presence.

I pray for protection over my children. Thank you for protecting them this weekend at their respective camping/sleepovers. Thank you for a wonderful time with Lee. I praise You for Your provision and Your love over me. Thank you thank you.

I pray for the next chapter of my book, Chapter 11. And I pray that the book will take shape and move into the shape You want for it.

You are in charge of everything. You have power over everyone and everything. I pray that You will fill me with Your spirit to help others, that You would use me as Your instrument today.

In Your precious name I pray,

Friday, May 22, 2015


Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children.   Deuteronomy 4:9

I pray that You will keep my heart and focus towards You. I pray that throughout my day today I will desire to please You first and foremost. Yesterday I was at the pool and did a better job of honoring You by not getting into gossip with the hornets nest of gossipy women. I pray that You would continue to turn me towards You and keep me holy. I am certainly not all-the-way holy, but I want to walk every day, step by step with You. Please, please infuse me with Your spirit, because I'm not capable on my own.

I pray for the Girl Drama Solutions group I'm starting. I pray that this will be Your group, and that It will progress along Your terms. I pray for each girl who's going to come. I pray that You will work through me, because I'm nothing, less than nothing, without You. I am happy to be a shell as long as I know that You are the one filling me up. Lord, show me what You'd have me teach these girls.

I pray for my book. Lord, what will Chapter 11 look like? I feel like it's a crucial turning point and I'm not sure where I'm going. But You know. Lord, send me Your ideas. What do I write next? I want to glorify You with this book. That is my main goal. I am sinful and selfish, but I can pray for You to change me, and to use me. 

I pray for Lee's mood, and for his health. I pray for the situation with the worship band. It's Your band, and You know what You want for it. I pray that Lee will realize this, and that he will move forward prayerfully as he helps to shepherd the band members through this transition to a new leader.

I pray for our skit practice today, that the children will learn their parts. I pray that they will speak up slowly, loudly and clearly enunciating. I pray for Carter, that he will have confidence. I pray that we will all learn our lines quickly.

I pray for protection over my whole family.

In Your son's precious name I pray,


Thursday, May 21, 2015

spiritual help

Great Father in heaven, please help me to love others like You love me. I need Your Spirit to help me do that because I can’t do this on my own. I pray for Your help in the Mighty Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lord, I need help when I am at the pool. It's so hard to say kind, lovely things, and avoid saying mean things. Please fill me with Your spirit while I'm at the pool. I pray for You to change me. Please forgive me for the unkind things I've said.

I pray for protection over my girls on the last day of school. I pray for Isabel's championship softball game tonight. Please allow her to get a hit. You answered that prayer on Tuesday! I pray it again. Please allow her to get at least one hit, and to field the ball well if need be.

I pray for this book, that You would guide me forward.

I pray for Lee, for his mood, for his connection to You, for his physical health to improve.

In Your son's precious name I pray,

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

change my heart

From Rhetorical Jesus email feed...

When you live your life for Christ, it means that you do to others what Christ would do for others if He were still here on earth. Is this why the church is called the Body of Christ? Is the church called this because we are supposed to do what Jesus would do if He were still here on earth? Who are “the least of these” anyway? Matthew 25 gives us an idea, I believe, because it talks about making strangers feel welcome, giving food to the hungry, offering a drink to the thirsty (v 35), giving clothing to those who need them, visiting those who are sick and in the hospitals, and even visiting those who are in prison (v 36). It doesn’t say anything about why they’re in prison, why they’re hungry, why their naked, why they’re a stranger, why they’re thirsty, or why they’re sick.


Luke Boston was healed and went home. I imagine dozens of prayers rising up to You, and You answering them through the skill of Luke's doctors. Thank You.

I fall so far short of being like Jesus on earth. I can just barely call myself a Christian. But I am trying, and the work is Yours, not mine. I just have to show up here and call out to You and ask for Your spirit to enter my heart. And I do ask! Change me, Lord. Make me want to serve You and love others with my money and time and thoughts. I want to genuinely love others, and not just pretend. I pray that You would fill me with a spirit of love for other people. Lord, I wait expectantly for this love.

Please, please show me the way through this book. Please overlook my selfish heart and change me, make this book and my desire for it to be good to be all about glorifying You. I pray for my next chapter. Lord, please hover over me while I write Chapter 11, and guide me in what You would have me write.

I pray for Isabel. I was so disappointed when she wasn't chosen to be on the Broadcast Team, doing the morning announcements. She was so excited about it. Lord, I pray that this character building will be for her good, as You promise in Your word. I pray that she will continue to have the confidence to move forward, and to know that she is smart and special and is going places. I pray most of all that she will come to know that You love her, and that You are for her. She is so smart! I pray that this must be for a reason. How will You use her to advance Your kingdom? Lord, I pray that she will hear You and follow Your lead.

I pray for Lily, that she will find her thing that she is good at, aside from being beautiful and smart and outgoing and beloved by me!

I pray that I will get everything done that I need to today.

I pray that when summer starts, the girls will be productive and allow me to get my work done.

I pray for Isabel in her championship game. Lord, please, please allow her to get at least one hit!!!

In Your son's name I pray,

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Peace and trust

We are to die to ourselves and pray for those who hate us (Matt 5:44). This, of course, is a supernatural, God-given ability, and you won’t be able to do this in your own human strength. To feed someone who is your enemy means that you don’t give them what they deserve because God doesn’t give us what we deserve; that is called grace. 

Lord Jesus, 

Please hold onto me, and don't let me slip. I want to walk with You, and that's harder without BSF and people around me constantly reminding me.

I pray to remember that You are here with me now. You are always, always with me. I pray to be holy before You. I haven't been.

I pray for You to supernaturally pull me up out of the muck and mire. I pray for the ability to love others, especially my husband. I pray that You'll make me into a better wife. Show me how.

I pray for Sara, who sends me texts at ungodly hours because she can't sleep. I pray that You will draw her to You, and that she will find comfort and relief.

I pray for Lee's health, that You will show him the way toward better health spiritually, mentally and physically.

I pray for protection over my girls.

I pray for Lee to want to put up Lily's shelves, and fix the towel hangers in the bathroom. I pray that this will happen soon.

I pray for the situation at Lee's office that has him so stressed out. 

I pray for this book. Lord, it's Your book. Please pour Your spirit into me as I write it. I write it for You. That's disingenuous, but I'm saying it anyway, because You know my heart. I pray that I will trust You, that You will fill my heart with a spirit of peace and trust.


Monday, May 18, 2015

prayers for Luke Boston

Paul writes Philippians 4:6 as a command to be in prayer about everything, to let their prayer “requests be made known to God.” In the Greek, the word “everything” means just what it says: everything! To our big God, is anything too big? No, to God everything is small, so there is no prayer request too small for God. The Greek word “pas” means “each, any, every, all, the whole,” and “everything.” That about covers it all, doesn’t it? The only prayer not answered is the one not given.

Lord, Jesus,
I pray today for Luke Boston, Trish's toddler, that he will respond to the treatment he's getting in the hospital, and begin eating, and that You would hold Trish in peace. I pray for comfort and healing.

I pray for focus, that I might write this book for You. What's next?

I pray for protection over Lily and Isabel at school.

I want to seek Your will, and I ask You to equip me to lead a little group on conflict solutions for kids. I pray for Your spirit to lead me as I prepare, and as I find dates for the girls who've responded.

I pray for Lee, for his mental, spiritual, physical health. I pray for the situation with Chris at church, that you would soften Lee's heart towards Chris and vice versa. I pray that Lee would feel Your leading, in how You want Your band to be. And that he would accept Your will, and align his will with Yours.

I pray this for me too!!!!!! I want to align my will with Yours.

In Your name I pray,


Thursday, May 14, 2015

generous spirit

Anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. Romans 4:18

Lord, Jesus,

You are at the center of all things. I am at Your mercy. I pray for a grateful heart for all you have given me.

I pray for a loving heart towards all the women at the pool. I pray for Isabel, as she sort of prepares for her recital. Lord, Lee wants to put both girls in piano next year, at $250 a month. I pray that You would make the path clear. Show us the way forward. I pray that You would bend Lee's heart towards teaching Isabel himself, and Isabel's heart toward listening and practicing. But Your will be done, not mine Lord.

I pray for a loving, generous spirit. Please fill my heart with a desire to please You and to do what's right in Your eyes.

I pray for this book as I move along, that I remember that it's Your book, and that I am dependent on You to guide me.

I am so thankful that Lee allows me to do this. 

I pray for Lily, that she will find her thing that's she's good at, besides being adorable and filling my heart with joy.

I pray for Mom and Dad in France, that You would be with them, and lead them to Yourself.

I pray for Lee's health.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015


From today's Rhetorical Jesus email feed:

He knows us down to the minutest detail, even the very number of hairs on our head (Matt 10:30) showing He is interested in every detail of our lives. If God is interested in the least important details of our life like this, then how much more is He interested in our everyday experiences?


You know me and are interested in the details of my life. You are with me and are interested in my everyday experiences. You are with me while I write this book. I pray that You will guide me through the writing of it. You are with me today when I go to Lily's school for her end of the year party. Lord, I thank You for her wonderful teacher and her wonderful class, and for the opportunities I got to help out. Thank You for the good school, and the happy childhood my girls have had so far.

I pray for Lee, for his health. I pray for the situation he's dealing with at work, with firing Jackie. I pray for graciousness for him, and wisdom, and for him to know that You are with him. And for Jackie to know You, too.

I pray for Mom and Dad in France, for protection over them, and for You to  make a way for them to find You there.

I pray for Lily, that she will practice, practice, practice and get better at swimming.

I pray for Isabel, that she will practice, practice, practice and get  better at piano.

I pray that You will be with me and guide me as I prepare for the mean girl solutions group.

In Your son's precious name I pray,

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

They are really Yours.

Great God, You have given me my precious children and grandchildren as gifts, but they are only mine for a time. They are really Yours, and I pray You keep them, protect them, and bring them into a personal relationship with You and Your Great Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.

Lord, I copied the above prayer from my Rhetorical Jesus email feed. I needed to hear that. 

Yesterday I felt discouraged because it seems like everybody's kid is figuring out their "thing," whether it be dance or soccer or whatever. Lily hasn't figured out her "thing" yet, and I got dismayed, like I haven't been a good enough mother. But that's just silly.

They are really Yours, and I pray You keep them, protect them, and bring them into a personal relationship with You and Your son Jesus. They are Yours, not mine.

Lord, I pray that my girls will grow in the fullness of Your love for them. That they would be who You plan for them to be, with the fruits of the Spirit, and with confidence and competence. That they will be the sort of women that others are drawn to. That they will be leaders for You. I pray that they won't fall into a mindset of discouragement, but will always know that they are lovable and capable. I pray that if that involves them finding a "thing," so be it. But I trust You that You know what's best for them, and You have a plan for each of them. But please take this burden of worry away from me, and keep it hundreds of miles from their minds, too.

I pray that You would lead me forward in the writing of this book.

I pray for Lee, for his mental, physical and spiritual health. I pray expectantly, knowing that You always answer prayer. 

I pray that You will watch over mom and dad in France, and go before them as they go on their adventures. I pray that they will be drawn closer to You, in some way or another.

I pray for their schedules next year, that You would guide me in figuring out what they should do.

In Your son's name I pray,

Monday, May 11, 2015


I determined the time of your birth and where you would live.
(Acts 17:26)

Lord, I thank You for Your protection over my family. For a lovely Mother's Day with them. For Your gracious provision, more than I need.

I pray that I will continue to write this book in a way that pleases You, and that something will come of it. I pray that I won't shy away from glorifying You, but that the book will praise You and point to You all the way through.

I pray for my Young Peacemaker group, that it will come together as You want it to. Renee Egan and Beth Hartt said yes. Is this the group You want? I'm going to ask Renee if there's anyone else, and I will wait on Your answer. I pray that You would help me to prepare to help these girls address conflict the way You would have them do it.

I pray that it would come together logistically, without too much trouble. I pray for Your blessing over the whole thing.

I pray for Isabel, who's home sick today. I pray that she'll use her time home wisely, and that she'll get better quickly.

I pray for Lily, for Your protection over her today. I pray that she and Isabel will come to know You better, be drawn to You.

I pray for Lee at work today, that he would feel Your presence with him. You are with him always. I pray for Lee's health.

Please show me how to love him better.

In Your son's name I pray.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

ordained days

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

Lord, Jesus, I pray first and foremost that You would strengthen my belief that this is true. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

You knew me before I was born, and you have all my days ordained. You know my past and my future. I am Yours.

I long to be walking with You. What next? Please show me what You have for me.

I pray that You will infuse me with Your wisdom so that I might be able to teach The Young Peacemaker to Isabel and Lily and to whoever else You draw into it. I pray that You will enable me to rely on You every step of the way. I trust You to bring whoever needs to hear it, and that You will show me which parts of the book I should teach. I pray that You will organize my thoughts, and cover the whole endeavor with Your blessing. I want to live for You, I want to teach my children and others' children to do the same. Please bless this endeavor.

I pray for Lily today in her game. I can't help but pray that she'll hit the ball and get to first base. Lord, please, please give Lily the ability to keep her eye on the ball and connect with it.

I pray for Isabel, too, for the exact same thing. I pray that they will both have opportunities to field and catch and do well.

I pray that I will have nothing but love for all the kids.

Lord, I pray for my book, that You will have me fashion it in a way that it spells out just what You want it to say. You have given me an ability with words, and that ability ought to be used for Your glory. My days have been ordained, so I don't have to worry over it--just put my mind to pleasing You.

I pray for this head cold that seems to be coming on. I pray for healing, or if not, a good attitude while enduring it.

I pray for Mom and Dad in France, that You would be with them and guide them. I pray that they would have time and reason to turn to You. I pray that maybe You would put someone in their path who might set them looking for You.

I pray for Lee, that he would grow healthier--spiritually, mentally and physically. I know that this happens through turning more and more towards You. I pray for this.

I pray for Big Lee and Janet, for whatever they're going through this week. I pray for healing, and comfort, and that they know that their children love them.

I pray for an ability to live my life, every detail, in a way that's pleasing to You, in a way that looks to You first.

In Your son's name I pray,


Thursday, May 7, 2015

drawn towards You

Psalm 139

For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.

Lord, you know my thoughts from afar. I just sent out an email asking other moms of 10-year-olds in our neighborhood if they'd like to do three nights of studying The Peacemaker together. I'm nervous about it, but I know that You know my heart is in the right place. You can use me. I put the email out there, and if You want to use me to help any of those six girls, or their moms, I will gladly do it, prayerfully. If nobody wants to do it, I will know that You have something different for me.

I pray that You would guide me as I move forward with this. I put it out there, and now I will wait on You.

I pray for Dad and Mom in France, as they settle in. I pray that You will enter into their lives in ways they can recognize. I pray that Dad especially will be drawn to You. I pray for his heart to be softened towards You.

I pray that my own heart would be softened towards You!

I pray for Lee, and his situation with Jackie soon to be let go. I pray that Lee will handle it graciously, and that Jackie will be comforted by You. I pray for Jackie as she moves forward and grows and develops into the person You have planned for her to be. I pray that she will be drawn to You and that she will be set on the path that You have for her.

I pray that I will be drawn to You too!

I pray for Lee, that he will draw closer and closer to You. I pray that he will call out to you in his anxiety and depression. I pray that You will hear his prayer, and heal him, and that he will know it was You who did it. I pray that he will lose weight and be more fit, and healthy to live a long life for his daughters!

I pray for Isabel and Lily, for your protection over them. I pray for them to long for You and to learn that You are at the center of their lives. I pray that they will learn to consult You first before they make a move. I pray that they will grow to realize that You are real! That you hem them in before and behind.

I pray for Sara, that I would find time to call her and fill in the gaps for the many phone calls she's used to with Mom and Dad.

I pray for my book!!! What do you want me to write next? I pray that You would guide me onwards.

In Your son's precious name I pray,