Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is an Elizabeth Elliot quote about parents. I changed the words to make it reflect sisters, because the same is true for them. 

"God knows the feelings of discouragement, inadequacy, and failure which conscientious sisters feel. But it was His idea to make them sisters and to give them this particular sibling. He knew they would not do a perfect job. He is Father to these sisters, and promises every kind of help they need. He stands beside them in every situation, ready to give wisdom as needed and grace to help in time of need if only they will turn to Him and ask for it. He teaches them how to love each other."  {Elisabeth Elliot}

Lord, I don't have time to pray right now. So here is my popcorn prayer: I feel discouraged, inadequate and like a failure as a sister to Sara. Please help. Change me. In Your son's name I pray, Amen

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bad weekend

This past weekend was so hard. Sara accused me of being insensitive. She cried and cried, so lonely and terrified by her life, and spit accusations at me about rarely holding up my end of our relationship. She said that I "am hard-wired not to care." Ouch.

I cannot pray. I need help. This passage is from Daily Prayer Online.

In God's loving presence I unwind the past weekend, starting from now and looking back, moment by moment. I gather in all the goodness and light, in gratitude. I attend to the shadows and what they say to me, seeking healing, courage, forgiveness.

Jesus always points us to life. I pray that I may recognise signs of growth and hope and follow them.

I do seek healing, courage, forgiveness. I need You. I need Your love to wash over me, so that I have more love to share. I wasn't doing anything nefarious. Just living my life. Now I'm aware that this is not enough. If I see suffering, I have to do something. How was I not aware of this? I was. I just chose not to think about it.

Lord, please forgive me. Re-orient me towards thinking about how to love those around me. I pray for wisdom, guidance, help. Then I go about my day and do whatever I would have done. 

Please extract my pride. Take it away. I want to deal with my family humbly.

In Your son's name I pray,

Friday, June 17, 2011


Yesterday my mind was focused on Isabel's fate--who her first grade teacher would be. I have already prayed about this, and told God that I would let it go. But it is SO hard. There is a teacher who is so terrible, according to some people, that the year would be ruined if she got her.

We ran into Mrs. Crandall, Isabel's kindergarten teacher (who plays a big part in placing her in a class), in Kroger. I ambushed her and asked if Isabel got that teacher that Julie Tibbs, Mary Grace's mom, didn't like. She said, "I can't remember which teacher Isabel got, but it's probably not that one that Julie hates. I don't remember, though. And it could change." Not reassuring. In other words, Maybe. I don't know.

I was in the midst of telling Lee about this when Lily brought me a Scripture passage on a slip of paper. (It was from the Blessings Jar in the kitchen, and she was showing me that Hannah Egan had written on the back of it.)

The Scripture read: "If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent." Psalm 91:9-10

"Trust me. No harm will befall you." Lord, my mind races. Does this apply to this situation? Where in the Bible does it say, "Don't get involved in which teacher your child gets in school. Just sit back and let her get what she gets and don't get upset." Is Pinkalicious' mother really so wise? (Yes, she is, in the context she says it. "No more cupcakes.")

The greater lesson, I think, is that it doesn't matter. I should be looking at Isabel's classroom placement in the context of You. What can I do, what can Isabel do, to enrich the lives of those around her in her first grade class? I should be praying for Isabel's teacher, whoever she is. Lord, I pray for whoever Isabel got as her first grade teacher. I pray that the children will learn kindness, empathy, compassion and goodness from being in her classroom. I pray that they will learn to do their best, but not to be intimidated by tests and trials. I pray that Isabel will come to rely on You in her circumstances. I pray that You will give me the know-how to teach her how to do this. I pray that my focus will remain on You, and that Isabel will learn from that.

Here is a passage from Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love.

Colossians 1:16 tells us that everything was created for God; "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him."

Don't we live instead as though God is created for us, to do our bidding, to bless us, and to take care of our loved ones? Psalm 115:3 reveals, "Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him." Yet we keep on questioning Him.

Lord, I want to stop being so focused on all the little problems and rest in You. So I will meditate on this passage: 

"If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent."

I also need to fix my erroneous definition of "disaster." The opportunity to learn and grow spiritually through difficult circumstances is not a disaster.

In Your son's name I pray,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Keeping the peace

"Honor one another above yourself." (Romans 12:10)

Such a simple command, and so hard to follow. Lord, I pray for Your help in this. 

Today I want to talk to the girls about how they treat each other. In general, they love each other and play together. But every day they also fight. Often it leads to tears. I'm going to talk to them about psalm 34:14 and proverbs 15. God wants us to live in peace with each other. A harsh word stirs up anger. A gentle answer turns away wrath.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. (Jeremiah 32:17)

Where was I when You created everything? When You set the leopard running and when you gave the birds their song? When You made love the center of all things? When You made your plan to save me from myself? When You dreamed up Isabel and Lily and put them in my care?

You set my life in motion, and You are here still. 

I long to hear what You have to say to me, and I am scattered and anxious. When I try to sit quietly and listen, my mind wanders. I sit here and type, hoping that You will speak to me through my own thoughts. 

The day before me...swim team practice. The kids will be getting their ribbons for the first meet. Isabel didn't attend. That's OK--neither did Hannah Egan. I want Isabel to learn that achievement is good but loving You is more important.

I want to teach the children to seek You out. Show me how to do that, Lord. 

In Your son's name I pray.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prayers for today

I think about the day ahead. I think about it in light of God, who laid the foundations of the earth, who remains the same and whose years will never end.

I have many thoughts running through my mind.

Chattahoochee Nature Center trip today, with church. Lord, thank you for my children, for outings with them. Thank you for other friends who believe in You. This helps. I pray for an ability to get my job responsibilities done despite being away during the time frame I should be at my computer. Please give me peace about this.

I pray for John Stephen on his first day of work at his new job. 

Show me what I can do today that has meaning and purpose! 

I pray about the children learning to swim. I pray that they would learn how to swim, simple as that. And I pray that I can put this in Your hands and stop worrying about it so much.

Speaking of worrying. My thoughts continue to return to Isabel's first grade teacher. Whoever it is, I pray for her right now, this summer, that You would strengthen her and bless her and prepare her for the first grade year ahead. I pray that Isabel would NOT get Mrs. Bab. And I pray that Isabel would NOT get placed in the same class as Hannah. However, I also pray that Your will be done.

You know that I struggle with this. If I am privy to inside information (i.e. a certain teacher is terrible), I want to use it. I STILL haven't figured out whether I should use it, or whether I should trust You to put Isabel in the right class for her without my help. Would I allow her to play in traffic and just trust that You would keep her safe? Certainly not. 

But this is not so clear cut as that. What I hear about Mrs. Bab comes from three different sources, none of whom know each other. That would tell me that this woman is BAD NEWS. On the other hand, You are bigger than these three people. Is not writing a letter to the school (requesting a different teacher) the equivalent of letting Isabel play in traffic? It seems that way. And still I'm not sure.

Martha just prayed. She relied on Your power to guide her children into the right classrooms. I pray that You would guide Isabel into the right classroom.

I prayed that Sara would have an experience with Jesus by February 5, 2011, and as far as I know, that prayer went unanswered. Has it gone unanswered? Does this mean that You do not exist, that I'm typing this post to myself? That to pray about Isabel's teacher and leave it at that is pure folly?

I want to believe otherwise. And I choose to believe otherwise. You have proved me wrong in the past, Lord. Please do it again. Show me You are there, and that I can pray to You with assurance that You hear me.

I pray for Lee's situation at work. He is so angry at Fran and so resentful of him. He is set on applying to CNN. I pray that You will protect Lee from himself, that You will guard his tongue and guide him along the halls of Discovery, guarding him against misteps. 

I pray for Fran, that You would soften him and give him peace. I pray that You would soften Lee, too.

I pray for Mom and Dad as they prepare to move here, and I pray in advance for the boundaries issue. Show me how to handle it!

I pray for our VBS drama skit. Please bless it, and help me to be loving towards the other "actors." I pray that You would help me to be aware of the overall purpose.

Lord, I am grateful. 

In Your son's name I pray.