Monday, August 31, 2015

Ephesians 6:16

Ephesians 6:16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.

Lord, please guide me to see the world the way that You see it.

I long to be more loving, more patient, and less interested in my own comfort. I pray that You would show me how to live for You.

I pray for today, for You to be part of it. 

I pray for my book, which is Your book, that You would show me how to proceed.

I pray for Lee, that I would be a better wife to him.

I pray for protection over my children.

In Jesus name I pray,


Friday, August 28, 2015

John 15:7

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Oh, boy, this has been a rough week spiritually. Yesterday I did not abide in You and Your words did not abide in me, and it was rough.

Lord, You are the creator of all this and of me. And I don't think You are for clingy frenemies and over-crowded parking lots and time crunches. But You allow these things, and You say abide in me, and I will abide in You.

So that's what I need to do. Please forgive me for my selfish nature and responses to the above-mentioned inconveniences.

I pray for Lee, at the worship conference with his parents. I pray for Isabel, for her meeting with Mrs. Lupiani about the class newspaper. I pray for Lily, that her mouth will heal.

I pray for my book.

I pray for Your spirit to enliven me.

In Your son's precious name I pray,

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Psalm 139:23

Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

Lord, I have been having a bad week spiritually. So angry at the dentists and others involved in fouling up Lily's dental care. In making it hard to get pain relief. In making us wait in waiting rooms for over an hour. My reaction is always that I don't deserve this, and Lily doesn't, either.

I long for Your gentle spirit to envelop me and change my heart and let me breathe. 

I am also angry about the dance situation. Again, I long for Your gentle spirit to envelop me and change my heart. 

I pray for Lily today as she goes to dance and has to deal with the buzzing bee, that stings. I pray first and foremost that the bee will drop out, or that we might switch to the Tuesday class. But failing that, I pray that we can see this as an opportunity to lean on You, and pray through this frustration, and trust that You have Lily right where You want her.

I pray for Lee as he spends the weekend with his parents, that it will be a time of peace and spiritual renewal.

I pray for Isabel and her walk with You.

I pray that I will become more of a spiritual leader for my children.

In Your sons's name I pray,

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Luke 15:10

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Luke 15:10

Today is a better day. Lily slept through the night and woke without pain. She ate some breakfast (a smoothie in which I'd hidden her antibiotic). She even said she thinks the mound went down.

Lord, I pray for Lily's appointment today with the oral surgeon. Now that she's not in pain, and my heart isn't beating a mile a minute, it all seems to have been much ado about nothing. 

I wasn't a spiritual giant through this. It's as if I learned nothing from the sprained wrist incident of last year at this time. I pray for your forgiveness. I pray that You would guide me back.

I pray for the situation with Lily and dance. I just want Marina and Aurora to quit. But it's not about me getting my way. It's about Your will being done. Lord, I pray that we will find a way forward. Please help me to remember You. You have her in this class. You have Marina in there. Please show me how to overcome the negative and push forward.

I pray for BSF, as the preparations are being put in place for the new year. I pray for spiritual renewal for myself and the other leaders, and I pray for the dear children You've already selected to put in my class. Even the naughty ones. Especially for the naughty ones.

In Jesus name I pray,

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It's been a tough couple of days in dental health land with Lily. She is still in pain, and the dentist did nothing to mitigate the swelling or the pain.

I just want to rant and rave and get my way!!!

It makes me so stressed out.

Lord, I have plans I've laid out, and I don't want anything or anyone messing with them.

But I have to learn to rely on You and trust in You. 

One minute at a time. I pray that You would help me to rise above this anger and to discuss the situation with the dentist who calls, calmly. 

Lord, I am so mad! Please step in and calm me down and intervene in this situation.

Last night they told me I couldn't get the prescription strength medicine and then it happened--apparently some rules were broken in order to fix the mistake that the dentist initially made. I prayed to You and I got it. But Lord my heart just screams, why did I have to go through that to begin with? And that's just a small thing!

It's so hard, I pray that You would step in and remind me who You are and that You are in control.

I pray for later today, that Lily will do the swimming evaluation. Lord, Your will and not mine. I pray that I will be able to accept Your will.

Please, please, mold me to Your will and Your view of things. I want to see with Your eyes.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Friday, August 21, 2015

Luke 2:47

Luke 2:47 And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Lord, I can't breathe I'm so stressed about the girls' dance class and Marina and switching days and, and, and...

I cannot bring my heart to be more loving on its own. I need You to do it for me. Lord, please help to make my heart and my outlook one of love and care. I love Lily, but show me if this is an opportunity for her to grow. I did not provide a good example for her yesterday. I'm sorry. Please show me how to do better.

I pray for all the stressful things, and all the ways I try to control them. Please calm my heart.

I pray for the girls' piano, that they will both practice and grow. I pray for my meeting today with Lily's teacher.

Please make me more loving. I can't do t on my own.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Second Corinthians 13:5

Second Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless, indeed, you fail to meet the test.

Place your life up against what Scripture says. 

Help me to calm my doubts and fears, to put my full trust in You, to not fear anything or anyone, and to erase any doubts so that I know I am secure in You by Christ’s death. In His holy name I pray.

Lord, You are trustworthy and faithful. I pray that You would bolster my faith. Show me it's true. Show me You are there. 

I pray that this book will come alive with spiritual wisdom from YOU. I pray that I could release this book as something that's not mine, but Yours, written through me.

I pray today for Lily, for her audition. I pray for confidence and a strong voice, but also Lord for You to develop her as You see fit. You have her in Your hand. You know her. You know the woman she will be one day. I pray that she will learn to know this. And that she will learn from her experiences along the way.

I pray for Isabel, for all the challenges and opportunities that come her way today. I pray for the newspaper she's going to launch, that You would bless it.

I pray for Lee, that You would bless him at work, and that You would bless our marriage.

I pray for the Silvas, that You would bless them, too. And that Lily will get into a strong habit of practicing piano and enjoying it daily.

I pray for Sara's baby, for strength and for his future knowledge of You.

In Your son's name I pray,


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Matthew 10:7

Matthew 10:7 
As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.

Lord Jesus, You are in charge of my day. Direct my thoughts. Show me who needs Your love and guidance. 

I pray for my sweet girls, for Your protection over them, and that they will learn to walk with You.

I pray for Lee, that You will continue to heal him in all areas.

I pray for Lily and Isabel's first piano lesson today, that You would bless it.

I pray for Lily's audition on Thursday, that she would have confidence and shine, and that she would be in Your will, whatever it be.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Psalm 78:4

Psalm 78:4 

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might and the wonders he has done.

What would people most remember about you? Would it be that you were a generous person? That you were a great Sunday school teacher? How about the love you showed to others? Maybe you were a beloved spouse, parent, and grandparent. What do you think would be the most prominent thing for which you would be remembered? It might even be a legacy that lives on in your children’s children because of what you taught them (Psalm 78:4). What you do today determines what you’ll be remembered for when you’re gone.

What will people most remember about me? Me as a mother and as a teacher and as a writer. All good things. What would I like them to remember about me? What do I want God to remember about me?

Lord, You are the center of everything, and I am orbiting around You. I want people to think of me, and it makes them think of You. Please show me how You want me to live that out.

Please forgive me for gossiping, for negative thoughts, for worrying about things that are Yours to deal with. Please forgive me for not giving financially. Please forgive me for living a comfortable life when I know that others need help. I pray for You to show me whether volunteering at Brumby Elementary is possible.

I pray for my book, that it would glorify You.

I pray for the baby inside Sara's womb, a little boy! I thank You for the answered prayers that he's still thriving and seemingly healthy.

I pray for Lee, for his continued better mental health. I pray that You would show me how to be a good wife to him.

I pray for Lily and Isabel, for protection over them at school. I pray for Lily these weeks leading up to the standardized testing, that You would prepare her. I pray for Lily's audition on Thursday, that she would be as sweet and confident as she can be!

I pray for the first day of piano, that both girls will enjoy it and learn, learn, learn.

I pray for our Sunday School class. Thank You for the positive feedback I got from Isabel yesterday. "I like it when you teach." I pray that she would continue to like it, and that our class would gel and learn about You together.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Luke 14:33

Luke 14:33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

God is said to never call the qualified to something but to qualify them for something to which He’s called them. 

Lord, You have my children in Your sights. They are Yours. I pray for them today, that You would bless them and keep them and watch over them.

I pray for Lily, that she'll have a good audition next week for 101 Dalmatians, and that I'll make the right decision about her participation. She is YOURS, not mine. I know that You love her, and You know what's best for her.

I pray for Lee, for continued success with Zoloft. Please show me how I can be a good wife to him, now that maybe he's paying more attention to me. I pray that his gentler mood will continue!!! I like it better.

I pray for Sara Dilworth, for whatever's on her plate. I pray for Dad and Mom in Europe, that You would bless them.

Thank YOU for my latest CDS post, and for the women's retreat skit. I pray for your leading and guidance as I work on my book today.

In Your son's precious name I pray,


Thursday, August 13, 2015

John 14:16

John 14:16 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

If you are comfortable in your own skin, then your mind will be set on earthly things, but if you live by the Spirit, then you can know what the Spirit teaches you (Rom. 8:5).

Lord, You are present even when I'm not cognizant of You. There is an invisible spiritual world that I can't see and so don't pay much mind to. But I want to set my mind on You, and "live by the Spirit." I want to know what the Spirit of Truth has to teach me.

I pray for Paul and his family, and I pray that I would see him as You see him--your child who You love. He is rude and disobedient, but it's clear that lack of focus and negative thoughts are often out of our control. He's already been diagnosed, so I know this is true in his case. AND HE IS YOURS, AND YOU LOVE HIM. Lord, I pray for this little boy, that his parents would step in and find a way to raise him up. I pray that He will learn about You, and how to walk with You. But mostly I have to pray for myself and my own heart, that You would warm me to his situation, and that I would look on the class with fresh eyes. I want to be a good teacher to the 5th graders. I want them to learn all about You. I pray that You would guide me in this.

I pray for Lily, as she prepares to audition for a part in 101 Dalmatians. I pray that she will have confidence and enthusiasm and not be nervous. I also pray that You would guide her in the direction that You want her to go in. She is Your child, Lord, and You have plans for her. Show me how to accept Your path for her--and enlighten me. How can I help her? She is Your precious gift to me, and I love, love, love her. Show me how I might serve You by raising her.

I pray for Isabel, who is in a good place right now. Thank You Lord! I pray for a good fifth grade year and that she will take risks and grow. I pray for her birthday party. I pray for her friendships, especially the fraught one with Finn.

I pray for Lee. Thank You for the lift the Zoloft has given him. Lord, I'm fumbling in the dark as usual, not knowing what to expect next. But I pray that You would nudge me to find ways to love him well. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth.

 In Acts 1:8 Jesus says that we can receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and then with this power of God’s Spirit, we can be witnesses in our own Jerusalem, wherever it is that we live, even to the ends of the earth. That might start with your next-door neighbor.

Lord, You are the source of all power and love. You created the earth and everyone on it, and it's Your desire that all the people You created will be saved. I am Your child, and You are for me.

I pray for Sara's baby--a boy!--that he will grow and thrive and be healthy. Thank you for this, the most wonderful of all gifts. I pray that he will grow up to know You. I pray that You will guide me in how to be a good aunt to him.

I pray for the Briody's--for Jay and Ann and John and Michael. I pray for your blessing upon them, and a spirit of love and reconciliation.

I pray for your protection over Dad and Mom as they travel in Europe today. I pray that they would sense Your presence, and have reason to think of You and reflect upon You. I pray for Your work in their lives, whatever it happens to be.

I pray for Lee, and our meeting tomorrow with the psychiatrist. It is in Your hands.

I pray for Your love and blessing and protection over my precious girls at school today.

In Your son's name I pray,


Monday, August 10, 2015

Psalm 23:2-3

He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. — Psalm 23:2-3

Lord, You are leading me. You hold all the power, all the power of the universe. You are invisible but real. You restore my soul. Nothing happens that's outside of Your control. You use it all for good. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I pray for Lee, and our meeting with the psychiatrist on Wednesday. Please enlighten me, Lord. What to say? How to help? Please lead me in this. 

I pray for my work, that this book would continue to grow and become what You want it to be. It's Your book.

I pray for my work today, the Cul de Sac piece and other things.

I pray for Isabel and Lily, that You would watch over them at school today. That goodness and mercy would follow them around.

In Your son's precious name I pray,

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Joshua 1:8

Joshua 1:8 
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Think of the Word of God as a night light that allows us to see in a darkened world. We will never know God’s hidden will until we obey His revealed will. 

Lord, I pray for my meeting this week with Lee and his psychiatrist. I am at a loss, caught off guard, because all the things that have been causing problems--his dismissiveness of me, his irritability--have been much lessened since he went on Zoloft. He's been kind to me, like he was when we first met. It almost seems too early to go to see the psychiatrist, because I don't know yet if this new Lee is going to hold. Do I go to the meeting, and talk about the irritable Lee I've been living with for the past 8 years? Or the kinder one of the past week?

I pray for Your guidance. Your word says, Be kind, be forgiving, take care of each other. I pray that you would show me what that means in this context.

I pray for Lily, that she would develop new friendships with kind children at school. I pray for her in advance of the standardized testing. Lord, I pray that she would reach her academic potential, and that You would lead her in the way You have set out for her. I don't know Your plans for her, but I know that Your revealed will is that she trust You and behave in a loving way towards others. I pray that You will show her in a powerful way that You exist, because I'm obviously doing a terrible job of it. I pray that You would give me the words to say, and the wisdom to help steer her toward You.

I pray for Lee and the situation with the band. I pray that he would feel accepted and valued and that he won't feel pushed aside. I pray that he will see the bright side.

I pray for the Cul de Sac. I don't know what Your plans are, but I pray that my choice to be faithful and keep going is what You want. Since now I've signed on to keep going, I pray that You would show me what You have for me to share with others.

In Your son's name I pray,


Friday, August 7, 2015

Romans 3:23

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I pray Lord for energy as I'm tired today. I pray for my lunch meeting with CDS girls, that You would guide me in the way I should go. What do YOU want to see happen with the CDS?

I pray for my girls today, that You would watch over them at school. 

In Your son's name I pray.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Second Timothy 2:15

Second Timothy 2:15 
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

If we want to be more like God, we must have God’s mind in us, and the Word of God is God’s mind in print. I want to have the mind of Christ.

Lord Jesus,

You are gracious and merciful and forgiving. You look on me and others with gentle love. I want to be like that.

Yesterday Isabel said she had to have Minecraft at her party or else Finn wouldn't come. She said, sadly, that Finn ignored her in PE that day. It breaks my heart to hear her talk that way--of longing for someone's friendship and not receiving it.

I pray for that relationship, that You would use whatever happens to grow her spiritually and emotionally. She is a wonderful, bright, beautiful girl. I pray for Your hand to be on her all the days of her life.

I pray this for my Lilybug, too. I pray that You would go with her always.

They are insecure about other people liking them--Lily's latest is about her new teacher--and I pray that You would ease their fears, and that the people they long to impress would indeed be impressed. I pray that my girls will learn kindness and goodness, and that being a loving friend is what's most important.

I pray for Lee and the situation with the praise band. He seems to be in a better place. I pray for whatever's coming, that Your love will blanket us. Church was hard on Sunday because of that, and because of the return of Robert, Jennifer and Jordan. Lord, please soften my heart toward them. Soften my heart in general.

I pray for my lunch tomorrow with the CDS friends. I don't want to continue, but I'm willing. Please give me discernment, and help me to know what You want for me in this situation. I don't want to be lazy, but I also don't particularly want to do it anymore. Show me what You want, Lord.

I want to look on them with love. I want to be gracious and loving and merciful and forgiving and walk around with the mind of Christ.

In Jesus's precious name I pray,


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mark 11:24

Mark 11:24 
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Jesus said that whatever we ask for in faith (Matt. 21:22), we will receive. That is, if it’s good for us and according to God’s will. God will never answer a prayer that is contrary to His will. The point is, when praying big prayers for what seems impossible, pray that it’s His will and that the name in which you pray, that is Jesus Christ, will be glorified by the answer because God is always interested in glorifying Jesus’ name (John 14:13-14).

 With God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).

These men and women [of the Bible] never limited their prayers because they believed in a God Who has unlimited power.

You have unlimited power. You are in charge, and that's good news for me. Because I want to be the loving person and spiritual writer that You created me to be. I pray for this book, which seems impossible. I pray that this prayer itself is within Your will, and that Jesus will be glorified in the book. 

With You, nothing is impossible. Your power is unlimited. Lily told me she has trouble believing in You, and oh, oh so do I! Lord, please show me how to believe, and how to encourage her to believe.

Yesterday I prayed for her class at school, and she did indeed have a better day. I continue to pray for Mrs. Love, and for the children in Room 104. I pray that they will have self-control, and show kindness to one another. I pray for Lily to have friendships, old and new.

I pray for the BSF year ahead, that Elizabeth and the other main leaders would be able to find more CLs, so that we have enough. I pray that the message of Revelation will come across clearly, and that hearts will be changed as a result of the study. I pray that MY heart will be changed!

I pray that the lessons I learn might be incorporated into this book.

I pray for the baby in Sara's womb, that it will flourish and grow strong and thrive, and that one day he or she will come to know You.

I pray for my dear, sweet children. That You would watch over them at school today.

I pray for Lee, who has been so kind to me these past five or six days since he went on Zoloft. Could this have been the answer all along? I'm happy and relieved, and also nervous. I'm out of practice, talking to Lee. It's been so long since he talked to me and seemed to care about me. Now that he is being so kind again, like he was when we first met, I'm a little thrown off. It's good, though. It's a chance for us to move forward, if this actually holds. Lord, I pray for my marriage and whatever it is that You are doing with it. I have been praying for Lee's healing in all aspects. Is this Your way of answering that prayer? I don't know. I don't have to know--I pray now that You would show me how to be his wife going forward. What does he need? Lord, prepare me, show me what I need to do. I want to be a good wife to him.

You alone control everything in the universe. Please help me to trust You and to keep on coming back to You. I pray these things in Jesus' name. 


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

John 16:22

John 16:22 

So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

Lord Jesus,

I pray that I would believe Your words about the fact that You are real and alive and that I will see You some day. I pray that I would believe that You know that I have sorrow now, but You also know that You will see me and my heart will rejoice. 

I pray for Lily's third grade class and for her teacher Ms. Love. I pray that Lily will find a friend in that class to bond with, and I pray that Ms. Love will get the behavior-problem children to be alert and responsive to her, and to want to learn. I pray for Ms. Love, that You would give her a spirit of patience and wisdom in knowing how to handle the class.

I pray for Lily, that she would settle down and make a friend, and that she would learn. I pray that she would show kindness, and learn kindness from others. I pray that Ms. Love will get to know and love Lily like I know and love her.

I pray for a better day at school today.

For Isabel, I pray that she would grow and seize her potential. I pray that You would nurture her to be the quiet leader she seems meant to be.

Lord, You are powerful and good, and Your will is unfolding. Whatever I see, and I see some bad things, Your will is unfolding. You can use all things for Your good purposes. I pray that You would show me Yourself today.

I pray for my book. I thank You for the progress I made yesterday, and I pray that I would be open to Your prompting. This is Your book, Lord, and I am just writing it.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Monday, August 3, 2015

Luke 16:10

Luke 16:10 
One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little...

Lord, Your love is all powerful, and your power can carry me. All I have to do is be faithful. 

I pray for my girls on this first day of school, that you will bless them and smooth the way before them. I pray that they will be kind and remember You.

I pray for the situation with the dance class. I want to try to control it, but I want to be in Your will. I want to pray to You, and then let You intervene on my behalf. But what I want is selfish. Lord, please show me the way forward here. My desire is that Lily and Isabel will end up in a dance class without the other two girls in it, as You know. But Your will is what's right. My heart is tight. Please soften it.

I pray for my book as I move forward. Please show me the way.

I pray for Janet's health, that she'll recover completely under Your hand. 

I pray for the baby in Sara's womb, that he/she will thrive and grow and live! I pray that Sara will come to realize that this baby is a gift from You.

In Your son's precious name I pray,