Thursday, September 30, 2010

"The great houses will become desolate."

My BSF scripture reading today is Isaiah 5:8-23. He's calling people out on their sins and their disregard for God. This is one of the reasons that bible reading is good. No one's going to call me out on my sins in my day to day life. Here in the early morning, by myself, I'm reminded that it's wrong to go about my day without regard or even interest in God--who made me and who made the day.

Of the six "woes" that Isaiah spells out, it's the first that stops me in my tracks. Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land. The Lord Almighty has declared in my hearing: "Surely the great houses will become desolate, the fine mansions left without occupants."

My family has just one house, in Roswell. Oh, but it's beautiful. At the heart is the kitchen, big enough to accommodate an island and breakfast bar and dining nook with a bay window, where you can watch humming birds in the many trees outside, a forest of trees. Rooms spill into other rooms, hardwood floors and wall to wall carpet, a finished basement (with large screen TV) and a master bath and even a laundry shoot.

We are living on about the same amount of money that we did in NJ--just four months ago. Our house in NJ was one third the size, but cost $600/month more in mortgage/tax payments. We had no guest room, and just one bathroom (so old and decrepit that my parents paid to have it refinished). Lousy water pressure, a leaky roof (and the subsequent mold), and no dining room. I never felt wealthy. I put myself squarely in the category of the "just getting by." We paid our bills, but just barely. Twice, we ran out of money before Lee's next paycheck, and we had to put groceries on the credit card.

I still worry about money, and with moving expenses (and the need to furnish the new house), we haven't started saving yet. But my home now is so beautiful, so big. There are people one town over who have less, much less. Simply by moving to the south, my family has moved into the (dare I say it?) well off category. Not in comparison to our stone's-throw-neighbors, who have even grander homes, even more sprawling property. But there's no denying we have been upgraded from where we were.

To whom more is given, more is expected. What can I do to show the Lord I am grateful, and I am willing to share? I am going to keep my eyes open to possibilities.

I am open, Lord. Show me if you have something in mind. A mentoring program? Something bigger? (Adoption of a child in need seems way too gigantic, but of course it's crossed my mind.) Please show me what you have planned for me.

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