Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busyness and Children

Today I was on iVillage, reading over one of my posts, when I clicked on the post of another iVillage blogger--a political one who writes in the first person and expresses opinions. (My own writing for the site is generic and never in the first person.) I clicked on her name and found that she has two of her own professional blogs, PunditMom and The Broad Side. On PunditMom she provides links to all the sites where she is a contracted blogger, including iVillage and babble and a few others.

The array of articles, of sheer written output, is staggering. AND she's a lawyer. AND she has a 12-year-old daughter. I am struck by the same old impulse to look at someone else's accomplishments and wonder what do I do with my own time? This is a trap, of course.

I then went to sacred, with it's daily prayer. Here is what I found:

"Be still and know that I am God."
Lord, Your words lead us to the
calmness and greatness of Your Presence.

Lord, YOUR words lead me to the calmness and greatness of Your presence. 

In the next screen, it said:

"Leave me here freely all alone
In cell where never sunlight shone 

Should no one ever speak to me
This golden silence makes me free"
(part of a poem written by a prisoner at Dachau concentration camp)

Yesterday I typed out my distress over Lily's teeth. I felt better after passing this on to You. I felt like I could say, "Whatever happens, I know I prayed about it." Now I thank you for the tooth's unexpected stay of execution. The dentist just filled the cavity.

Today I have another issue to pour out before you. It's Wednesday, which means I'll be going to Roswell North Elementary to help out again. Lord, so far I haven't found my purpose there. I can wait it out of course, and I know that these things take time. I just want it here, on the prayer record, that I am a well-meaning sinner seeking your guidance. Is there someone there you have for me to help? Do I need to be more proactive or just keep making myself available until something happens? 

Here are some names of the children. I'll type them here before you...

Jamie Lynn

Who needs help and how? Will you lead me in the right direction? I pray for all of them right now, for each one to learn and grow and fulfill their potential. While I'm at it, I pray for my own children, Isabel and Lily. Lord, I pray for them to learn, learn, learn. And I pray that they will come to know You.

In your son's name I pray,

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