Monday, December 16, 2013

prayers for December 16, 2013

I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. I will ask first, What does God want me to do/say? I wonder what He has in mind for my next step. I put the question out there, and then I keep my mind open and look for the answer. 

How does God want me to handle time with Sara? In God's eyes the best way to interact with my family is selflessly. Consider my selfish desires unimportant compared to my role as God's instrument in their lives. Same goes for what I do next, professionally. What does God want me to do? How can I serve Him?

God gives me gifts all the time. Just now after the girls were being hateful on the ride to school, Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" came on. And I sang and felt joy and showed them my joy, and it was contagious. I turned and saw Isabel smiling and singing along. Life is about this, a celebration! Small moments of celebration. We hop from these, from one to the next and remember that another one is always around the corner.

I see myself as Lee's help mate, given to him by God and cheered on by God, guided to fill in the gaps where needed. Lee has room to grow, as do I, and I trust God to show me how to play my part in it. I see the coming days and weeks with family as an opportunity to serve God and be a beacon of light, like Emily Gilbert or Leigh Sain or Ellen Foster.

I am fully capable of doing the right thing, of banishing unhelpful thoughts, or encouraging the people around me. I pray with assurance that God is listening when I seek healing for Laura in my BSF group. 

I pray that God's light will shine through me and that I would be a light to those around me. I pray that I would experience his supernatural peace in the days and weeks to come.

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