Tuesday, May 12, 2015

They are really Yours.

Great God, You have given me my precious children and grandchildren as gifts, but they are only mine for a time. They are really Yours, and I pray You keep them, protect them, and bring them into a personal relationship with You and Your Great Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.

Lord, I copied the above prayer from my Rhetorical Jesus email feed. I needed to hear that. 

Yesterday I felt discouraged because it seems like everybody's kid is figuring out their "thing," whether it be dance or soccer or whatever. Lily hasn't figured out her "thing" yet, and I got dismayed, like I haven't been a good enough mother. But that's just silly.

They are really Yours, and I pray You keep them, protect them, and bring them into a personal relationship with You and Your son Jesus. They are Yours, not mine.

Lord, I pray that my girls will grow in the fullness of Your love for them. That they would be who You plan for them to be, with the fruits of the Spirit, and with confidence and competence. That they will be the sort of women that others are drawn to. That they will be leaders for You. I pray that they won't fall into a mindset of discouragement, but will always know that they are lovable and capable. I pray that if that involves them finding a "thing," so be it. But I trust You that You know what's best for them, and You have a plan for each of them. But please take this burden of worry away from me, and keep it hundreds of miles from their minds, too.

I pray that You would lead me forward in the writing of this book.

I pray for Lee, for his mental, physical and spiritual health. I pray expectantly, knowing that You always answer prayer. 

I pray that You will watch over mom and dad in France, and go before them as they go on their adventures. I pray that they will be drawn closer to You, in some way or another.

I pray for their schedules next year, that You would guide me in figuring out what they should do.

In Your son's name I pray,

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