Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Matthew 3:1-2

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."

I am sorry for the way I am, everything about me, myself, my book. I talked to Katharine, and she's deeply upset by the sickness and soon to be death of her cousin, an atheist. 

Lord, there is nothing more important than our prayers for those we love. I pray now that Your spirit will rouse Katharine's cousin. If Katharine's a person through whom You might speak, I pray that you would soften her cousin's heart to her. My motives are not pure. They never are. I need to throw myself at Your mercy. I need to pull away from all this self-interest. I cannot do it myself. I need You to do it for me. Yesterday I prayed that You would do that, and I prayed for the next phase of this book to begin, and within hours I had a call from Katharine and some hope by looking on LinkedIn. Lord, I continue to pray for this, and I continue to pray that You will have me stand firm for You.

Katharine is a Christian like I'm a Christian. I pray that You'll guide her to read my book and see what You want to be in there, and what not.

I pray that she'll read my book earlier than even she thought she could, and I pray that You'll grant me patience to wait on Your timing.

I pray for the upcoming trip to Driftwood, that You would pour love into my heart for the children, and for the other parents. Thank You for providing Lisa to be with me--another gentle soul in the fray. Lord, I want to be my best so You can use me. Please show me the way.

I pray for my children, that they would develop a love for or even the self-control to do more piano practice.

I pray for Lee at work, who has to deal with the degradation of other people getting promoted while he doesn't. I pray for Your blessings upon him at work.

I pray for Isabel, that she would blossom as she grows and that she will thrive in middle school.

I pray that You will make me into a novelist who points people to You.

In Your son's holy and precious name I pray,

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