Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This and that

I'm reading James. Trying to glean what I can from it.

What's going on with me these days...I wrote a third essay. (The first, about finding a note with a naughty word in our backyard, is going to be published by Parents. The second, about my birth, is making the rounds at American Baby after Good Housekeeping failed to acknowledge it for three months running.) The third essay is about getting my car stuck at a play date. I sent it to Parents on Thursday, and heard nothing back, no confirmed receipt of the email. So I sent it again yesterday, making sure it was received. Again, no answer. I am trying to kickstart a writing career here, so the lack of acknowledgement is frustrating.

Lord, I'm flailing, as usual. I pray that essays two and three are loved, get published, move me forward. These aren't marching orders for my Divine Creator, because believe me I know that's not how it works. But I want to write this down, get it out there, that it's what's on my mind and wish list. 

I also want to be more in line with Your will, which means of course that I have to figure out what that is. I'd like to start mentoring again. I pray that You would clear the way for me to do that. What child needs me? Please prepare us both.

I pray for protection over my marriage. And over my sweet children.

I pray for Sara, who doesn't call anymore.

I pray for Mom and Dad, that I would strive to be a good daughter to them.

In Your son's name I pray.


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