Thursday, March 22, 2012


The Monday night bible study has finished Tim Keller's 'The Reason for God,' and has now moved on to LeAnne Blackmore's 'Obscure No More.' It's not a smart book, and that's disappointing. But I can learn from the bible passages she brings to the reader's attention. (I desperately want to learn from them.)

The theme of the study is 'life-shaping lessons from the often overlooked.' But based on the two biblical characters we've studied so far, the theme seems to be 'look what happens when you piss off God.'

The first was Koran, who staged a rebellion of 250 men against Moses. His sins were pride and greed, and his punishment was that the earth opened up and swallowed him and his cohorts.

This week's lesson is Achan, who disregarded God's directive to destroy the plunder from their victory at Jericho. He stole a beautiful robe from Babylonia and some gold and silver, and buried it in his tent. God of course knew. The result was that Israel lost their next battle (and 36 men), and Achan & family were identified, stoned to death and burned.

Lord, you know of course that I've strayed from you, that I haven't been faithful in my quiet times because it's become inconvenient for me time wise. And you know that I'm still struggling with this issue, that I haven't settled it, and that I long for the days when the morning window of time was just laid out for me, waiting for me to fill it with you.

I'm trying in drips and drabs to come back, with the Tim Keller study and also with some books about you. I read Brendan Manning's 'Ruthless Trust' and I'm now reading E. Prentiss' 'Stepping Heavenward.' 

Now here I am reading in 'Obscure No More' about your jealous, wrathful violence. You are all powerful and in charge. Sadly, I can see myself in these sinful bible characters. In Achan especially.

It's probable that Achan didn't think taking the few items was such a big deal, and figured that no one would find out anyway. I feel this way so often! 

When the girls' swim instructor called one day to push the lesson back a half hour, I asked if the girls could just swim on their own until he arrived. He said, "It depends on the lifeguard." So we arrived at the pool 40 minutes prior to the lesson, the girls in their suits, and I planned to just let them play in the pool. If the lifeguard ordered them out, so be it. I hoped that he/she would take a good long time to notice.

But Isabel insisted that we ASK the lifeguard before she got in. To me, this was foolish. Of course if you ASK the lifeguard if you can go in without an instructor, he will say no, whether he's "permissive" or not. I tried to convince Isabel just to get in, but she refused. So off we went to ask the lifeguard, who said--wait for it--NO. 

For the next 40 minutes until the instructor arrived, Isabel sat miserably on the side of the pool, asking me every three minutes or so when her lesson was going to start. Lily, meanwhile, disregarded the lifeguard's directive, and I was happy to let her do so. She played in the water near the steps, and I watched her while Isabel hung all over me. I didn't see the harm in the girls going in, didn't think of it as a big deal. Meanwhile, I was stressed and miserable about Isabel having to miss out because of her strict sense of right and wrong.

Just like Achan. I do have an attitude that says, 'If a rule is dumb, I shouldn't have to follow it--especially if it inconveniences me.' But the scriptural lesson here is that right is right and wrong is wrong, and this is what I ought to strive for.

I hate that I'm 41 years old and still so immature in my obedience. But I'm learning, and I'm also learning that Jesus is in charge of my "sanctification," not me. I just have to do my best.

Lord, I pray for Jen Moulton's sister, who's suffering from cancer and undergoing a very risky surgery. I pray for her and for her family and for Jen.

I also pray for Melissa, who lost her husband so suddenly and has three kids to raise. I pray that in these first few weeks after his death, when it's all still so fresh and painful, that you would comfort her.

I pray for Natalie's health, and for the various doctors who are treating her. Make them wise, and precise, and give them the power to heal her.

In Your Son's name I pray,

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