Tuesday, February 10, 2015

healing words

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. — Proverbs 15:4

Lord, I pray that my words today will be pleasing to You, and will bless the people I come in contact with.

I pray for my BSF morning without Betsy. I pray that You will fill me with Your spirit of love. I pray that I will remember and recount the bible story just as You would have me do. I pray that I will remember the words of the songs during hymn time.

I pray for Joey. You know I'd rather he didn't show up. But it's wrong to hope for that, so I pray that he will listen and obey and learn today. I pray that he would be interested in the story and in the hymns, and that he would participate and that Your spirit would touch him.

I pray for Addison, Emma, Josiah, Shelby, Elijah, Grant, Clarke, Anna, Rylan, Olivia, and Joey. I pray that they will hear your main truth, that You are not pleased when your people complain. I pray that I will not complain!

I pray for the volunteer in my classroom today, that You will give her peace.

I pray that I will bless the children with my words, a healing tree of life.

I pray that I will move forward with my book in a way that pleases You.

O Father, I want my words to be a blessing today. I want them to reflect your grace. I want them to bring healing to the hurting and comfort to the grieving. I want them to be tender with the broken. I want them to be honorable and truthful in difficult circumstances. I want them to be upright when the language around me is crude. Through your Spirit, use my speech to bless others and bring you praise. In the name of Jesus, your ultimate Word, I pray. Amen.

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