Monday, August 17, 2015

Psalm 78:4

Psalm 78:4 

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might and the wonders he has done.

What would people most remember about you? Would it be that you were a generous person? That you were a great Sunday school teacher? How about the love you showed to others? Maybe you were a beloved spouse, parent, and grandparent. What do you think would be the most prominent thing for which you would be remembered? It might even be a legacy that lives on in your children’s children because of what you taught them (Psalm 78:4). What you do today determines what you’ll be remembered for when you’re gone.

What will people most remember about me? Me as a mother and as a teacher and as a writer. All good things. What would I like them to remember about me? What do I want God to remember about me?

Lord, You are the center of everything, and I am orbiting around You. I want people to think of me, and it makes them think of You. Please show me how You want me to live that out.

Please forgive me for gossiping, for negative thoughts, for worrying about things that are Yours to deal with. Please forgive me for not giving financially. Please forgive me for living a comfortable life when I know that others need help. I pray for You to show me whether volunteering at Brumby Elementary is possible.

I pray for my book, that it would glorify You.

I pray for the baby inside Sara's womb, a little boy! I thank You for the answered prayers that he's still thriving and seemingly healthy.

I pray for Lee, for his continued better mental health. I pray that You would show me how to be a good wife to him.

I pray for Lily and Isabel, for protection over them at school. I pray for Lily these weeks leading up to the standardized testing, that You would prepare her. I pray for Lily's audition on Thursday, that she would be as sweet and confident as she can be!

I pray for the first day of piano, that both girls will enjoy it and learn, learn, learn.

I pray for our Sunday School class. Thank You for the positive feedback I got from Isabel yesterday. "I like it when you teach." I pray that she would continue to like it, and that our class would gel and learn about You together.

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