Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It's been a tough couple of days in dental health land with Lily. She is still in pain, and the dentist did nothing to mitigate the swelling or the pain.

I just want to rant and rave and get my way!!!

It makes me so stressed out.

Lord, I have plans I've laid out, and I don't want anything or anyone messing with them.

But I have to learn to rely on You and trust in You. 

One minute at a time. I pray that You would help me to rise above this anger and to discuss the situation with the dentist who calls, calmly. 

Lord, I am so mad! Please step in and calm me down and intervene in this situation.

Last night they told me I couldn't get the prescription strength medicine and then it happened--apparently some rules were broken in order to fix the mistake that the dentist initially made. I prayed to You and I got it. But Lord my heart just screams, why did I have to go through that to begin with? And that's just a small thing!

It's so hard, I pray that You would step in and remind me who You are and that You are in control.

I pray for later today, that Lily will do the swimming evaluation. Lord, Your will and not mine. I pray that I will be able to accept Your will.

Please, please, mold me to Your will and Your view of things. I want to see with Your eyes.

In Jesus' name I pray,


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