Friday, June 19, 2015

Galatians 6:7

There are consequences for our actions–either blessings or curses. 


Have mercy on me, a sinner.

I pray for this day, that You will lift me out of my negative feelings.

I pray for the pool volunteer who disappoints me. I pray that You would change my heart towards him. What I perceive isn't always the case. Also, what I perceive in him are sins of omission that I myself can and do commit. I pray that I would not be so tightly wound, but that I would be gentle in spirit, both when I speak and also in my heart.

I pray for VBS, for the whole endeavor, that Your spirit will hover over the church and protect all who are under its roof, and that the children will learn.

I pray for our skit team, that we will have Your peace, and not be frazzled. I pray for Leigh, that You would heal her of her cold, and that You would protect the rest of us from catching a cold before we take the stage to serve You.

I pray for Lee and for my feelings towards him. I pray that I would not depend on him for my happiness, but instead that I would see him as one I've been called on to serve and to love. I pray that You would enable me to lavish him with love, and to want to do it.

I pray for Isabel and Lily, that You would make a space for us to have a devotional and talk about You.

I pray for this book, that Your spirit would pour through me and into my hands on the keyboard.

In Your son's name I pray,


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