Friday, June 26, 2015

prayers for lily

(Rhetorical Jesus)

Satan will tempt you with lies, but do you believe my way is better?

Your way, Lord, is peaceful. It's forgiving. It allows me to breathe. I pray today for Lily, who acts in a short play today at the end of acting camp.

Lord, I remember that You are in control. I pray to You, the One in control, that You will give Lily a spirit of peace. I pray that she would be her usual delightful self. I pray that there might be no misunderstandings, and that she might simply be helpful and loving towards the other kids.

I pray that You will bring her lines to her mind, and that she will feel confident and joyful as she delivers them. I pray for my Lilybug, Lord. I pray that You would be with her, and that she would know this.

Lord Jesus, You are in charge. The devil would have us feel nervous or uncomfortable or suffer from misunderstandings among friends. I pray that we would keep our focus on You. In You, there is peace, and no reason to sweat the small stuff. Or the big stuff. 

I pray that You would give me the words. I pray that You would give Lily a spirit of peace and happiness so that she will be able to say the lines that she already knows very well.

I pray for Diana, Marina, and Aurora. For Marina and Aurora, that they would remember their lines and have a wonderful time, too.

I pray for our play date together afterwards, that we would have a time of love and joy together.

Thank You for the opportunity to write and act in the VBS skits. 

In Your son's precious name I pray,


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