Monday, December 14, 2015

Psalm 70:4-5

 May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you; 
may those who long for your saving help always say, 
“The Lord is great!”
But as for me, I am poor and needy;
come quickly to me, O God. 
You are my help and my deliverer;
Lord, do not delay.

Lord, I seek You, I seek You! Please forgive me for taking my eyes off You. I want to stay focused on You. I need Your help to do it. I am spiritually poor and needy, come quickly to me, O God. You are my help! Please help now and bring me back to You. I want to be thinking of You as I go through this day ahead...

I pray that You will guide me as I place Lily in an acting class. I pray that if it's Your will, there will be a place for her and her friend. I pray that our finances will be able to cover it.

As for finances, Lord, thank You for the provision of a new car. Our whole family loves and appreciates it. Please help me to keep my eyes on You as I enjoy it, and as we rearrange things to pay for this new monthly car payment. All good things come from You. I pray that You would stretch our finances so that we could give this holiday season.

Finances: We need provision for my retreat (which You already took care of!), for Driftwood, Isabel's class trip, for piano and on and on. I pray that Lee will not feel burdened, but confident that he's providing for our family. I pray that You would bless him at work, and I pray that You would give us the financial security we need to tithe better.

Lord, all we have is Yours. I do want to give back 10% to You. Please show us the way in how to do that.

I pray for Sara and Andy's visit. I pray that You would fill me with Your spirit, so that I might help as You draw them close to You.

I thank You and praise You for Isabel and her newspaper.

I thank You and praise You for Lily, no matter what happens with Target, she is a special, delightful, spirited, energetic, wonderful soul!!!!

Please do not delay. Focus my eyes back on You, Lord.

In Your son's precious name I pray,


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