Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Goal setting

Today's Isaiah passage included the verse, "Truly you are a God who hides himself." (45:15) The Bible notes clarify, "In contrast to idols, the true God is invisible."

Part of my faith is sitting at this computer, and opening another new blog page, and writing to God who hides himself. For me, a person for whom time is precious and every minute needs accounting, this is a window of opportunity that I'm ceding to God. This, for me, is faith.

As I write this, our sweet dog Hunter sits by the window, considering himself a guard dog despite his teddy bear looks. He loves us, as Lily would say, too much. He wants to give us kisses and protect us from whatever may be lurking outside.

I prayed for a dog, that God would be involved in bringing the right dog to us. Dog adoption is a big risk--a lot of things can go wrong. This was just right. Is this an example that God, though invisible, is here listening? That He delights in granting us what we desire?

I want to acknowledge God, to know that He orchestrated this gift, and to enjoy His care for us. I want to suppress the skeptical voices, the ones telling me I'm being silly, it's just a dog. I want to live and walk with God, believing that He's listening even now, hanging on my every word.

I'm feeling stagnant, unsure of myself. We're reading Andy Stanley's The Path, and he urges me to decide what path I want to be on, then set goals along it.

Destinations I hope to reach:
To be the mother of kind, compassionate children who are open to learning about the Lord.
To be a mother who's given my children opportunities to discover their gifts, and to thrive in life.
To be the wife that Lee needs to blossom, whatever that may mean.
To be a woman whose priorities are in order. (Why did I list my children first, before Lee, in this list?)
To help Lee provide for our family financially, and to do it in a way that makes me proud and fulfills my need to glorify God.
To be a grateful, loving, helpful daughter to my parents.
To be physically healthy and strong as my children grow up.

Lord, these are so many destinations! Each one involves its own goal-setting. I'm tired just looking at the list. 

You reached down and helped me figure out what to do with Lily at school next year. You reached down and urged us toward the perfect dog for us. You guided us to a good church where we feel comfortable, and where I hope that we'll grow spiritually. 

What's next? Will you show me the way forward, with all these destinations, and so much to do?

I pray that You will show me, as the next several weeks unfold, what You would have me do with the children this summer. I have in mind that they'll each do some sort of sport. Gymnastics or dance for Lily. Maybe tennis for Isabel? Drama? I want them to have opportunities, to grow. Will you show me what You have for them?

I feel like the clock is ticking on my career. In August, both girls will be in school full day. What will I write then? I must reconcile the need to earn money with the desire to write something worthy. Lord, this is a vague request, but I ask it anyway. Please show me what You have for me to do. Can I rest in You that You already have it figured out? Can I simply believe You'll show me what You have for me, rather than floundering around, searching for it? Help me to listen to You.

I pray for Lee and his situation at work. Lord, fortify him please. He can do nothing apart from You. I am grateful that He's involved in a men's bible study. I acknowledge You in that small victory. Lord, please, please show him the way at work. I ask for selfish reasons, as You know. But I still ask. You know the state of my heart.

I pray for Sara, that she will come to know You, and that she will not give in to despair.

In Your son's name I pray.

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