Thursday, March 17, 2011

Living wisely

"Be careful, then, how you live--not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

Am I being careful how I live? I am a careful person. I don't like wasting time. If I have laundry to fold, or if Lee wants me to hang out with him, I use that time to watch TV. I try to schedule in errands before picking up the children. I go to Trader Joe's with only 10 minutes to spare, allotting myself just that block of time. I am careful with my time.

I am careful, too, with planning out my path, with my destination in mind. The Andy Stanley book was mere common sense to me. Of course you must show self-control and will power today, in order to arrive at your best destination tomorrow! I started planning my kids' summer camps/activities while it was still cold out, long before many of those opportunities were even available for enrollment. I wanted to be ready for the fiercely competitive sign-ups. It's only March, and I'm already chomping at the bit to sign Lily up for summer gymnastics. I want to be ready, and I'm careful about it.

I am careful, almost to a fault. But this isn't the carefulness that Paul is talking about. He's not talking about efficiency. He's talking about being alert to opportunities that arise around me. What kinds of opportunities? Opportunities to show Lee that I appreciate, value and respect him. Opportunities to stand firm against the temptation to give into the disappointment I often feel. To remember that I am, first and foremost, Lee's helper.

I'm to be alert to opportunities to make Lee my first priority, after God. The "after God" part is an extremely important part of that sentence. Because normally, I don't feel like making Lee my first priority. I have careful planning to do. I put the children first. They are so easy to love, and my heart takes the path of least resistance. But if I love God first, if I recognize His love for me, then this is...easier. Not easy, because left to my own devices, I am treacherous (as Isaiah would say). But easier. Because how could I not follow God's ways, knowing that He's forgiven me, and accepted me into Heaven? And God's ways are...

"Be careful, then, how you live--not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

The wise choice is to support Lee, even when I don't feel like it.

Lord, please give me strength to do this. Please make it easy.

In Your son's name I pray.

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