Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday morning

I have a cold again. Third one in two months. The girls messed with my chair, and now I'm sitting up high and can't get it back to normal position. I'm out of cream for my coffee, so I'm going without.

This morning isn't going my way.

Isaiah 48:1-11. God is scolding His people, telling them they don't deserve to be saved, though He's saving them anyway, for His name's sake. The Bible question: Where do you feel caught between relying on Christian doctrines yet living by the values of modern idols?

I wrote the VBS skit scripts, and hoped that a group of awesome women my age would come together to act them out with me. (A replication of the drama team at PCNP.) But this is not New Jersey, and things don't work the same way here.

I must ask myself: Why am I doing this? To make friends? Yep. A better reason would be to serve as a VBS volunteer, to participate in reaching out to kids and telling them about God. Whether or not I make friends should be secondary. So I am going to set aside this "modern idol"--my comfort, my desire for friendship--and move forward as one who's got her eyes on being part of a larger agenda, God's agenda. I know that God will work out the rest.

Verse 6b says, "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you."

Yesterday I heard an author on NPR discussing her novel, about a woman who passes through a portal from one life to another. In one, she's a pregnant, Volvo-driving suburban mother. In the other, she's a young, single, city dweller. When she makes a choice in one life, she automatically makes the opposite choice in the other life.

This interested me, because I'm interested in the unseen. What's going on, and what's really going on. Two different lives, same person. God sees the big picture, the hidden things unknown to me. I am interested in writing about this, possibly in a novel format. But it's just a tiny germ of an idea.

Lord, you know my sinful heart. As You say in verse 8b, "Well do I know how treacherous you are." Well do I know it, too. But still I ask that You fill me with ideas, or guide me in the direction creatively that You would have me go in. 

Should I be doing more for Sara? This is one of my issues--my tendency to let things go. By ignoring things, I'm taking a path. Does she need my help? I am at a loss. Keep my ears open to hear You if You have something for me to do. 

I pray for people who are really sick, chronically sick, and I thank You that I am just sick now in a passing way, that I'll be fine probably by Thursday. Point out things to me that I'm missing.

I pray for Lee today, as he got so little sleep last night, and the night before, and this is such a slippery slope. 

I pray for my precious children, for Your protection over them and that You'll show me what I'm supposed to be teaching them.

In Your son's name I pray.

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