Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ongoing prayers

Here's one of the Scripture verses I'll be memorizing next time for Next Generation Mentoring:

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

The secret, of course, is being seeped in God's word, so that His guidance is fresh in your mind at all times. For me that means being reminded that He is the all-powerful Creator of everything, that nothing happens outside of His purview, and that this omnipotent Lord loves me beyond comprehension. I am not just me, waking up and making my way through the day. I am God's child; He is present with me at every moment and working behind the scenes, invisibly, to guide me in how to live the life He's carefully planned for me.

Lord, I have been praying for Sara to have an experience with Jesus by February 5. I am beginning to doubt that this is going to happen. We are closing in on January, and so far, nothing. Is this because I'm making You up? That's unlikely, because it would mean that millions of people, over hundreds of generations, have been fooled by some quacks who wrote a fiction we've come to call the Bible. With so many believers, for such a long time, Your existence is at least highly possible, or even probable. Either way, I continue typing, speaking to You as if You are listening. I am assuming--willing myself to believe--that You exist, and that You are listening. That what I just wrote above is true.

Maybe the issue is that You are there, but that I got it wrong back in September, when I felt led to began praying this prayer for Sara? It's not February 5 yet, so it's premature for me to be running through these options. For the time being, I can go on believing that my prayer will be answered.

Please, please direct me in my next step, professionally. I long to earn my keep in Your service. Show me what You have for me, please. Lee, my mom, my dad--soon they'll want to know how I'm going to start bringing in more money. I want to do it Your way, Lord. What is Your way? 

I am still debating when to send Lily to kindergarten. I am waiting on Your guidance. 

I don't know what conflicts/resentments might arise over the next week with family in town for Christmas. Nor do I know about any opportunities that may arise. I am asking now, before anything happens, that You quiet my spirit and give me the words and the actions I need to be a peacemaker.

Please, please watch over and protect my sweet, precious children. I am most grateful for them. 

In your son's name I pray, Amen.

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