Friday, February 18, 2011

Answered Prayer

Lord, I've been asking You about Lily's schooling, imploring you to figure this out for me. This week there's movement on this. Mrs. Crandall suggested Sprayberry Academy, and there were spots left. I signed Lily up. There's also another option--a Montessori school right around the bend. This isn't settled yet, but I am feeling much more secure. Either way, the Sprayberry Academy or the Montessori school, will be the best possible options.

You are in this. When things came together yesterday with Sprayberry, it felt smooth and easy. Just what I asked for. Thank You, Lord. You know I am an exacting person, that I won't quit until all options have been examined. I won't be 100% settled until I've checked out the Montessori school. But You are still with me. If that second option is the one You have for her, please show me that, too.

It's so hard for me to ask You for things, and then to wait on Your answer. Immediately I start thinking I should be doing things for You, and that I'm selfish, etc. But I also know that in some way I need to ask and wait for an answer, because I'm still learning to believe that You are still there. You are gentle with the weak. "A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." (Isaiah 42:3) 

I pray that Sara will have an experience with Jesus in Your perfect time. And I pray that You will show me an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011.

In Your son's name I pray.

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