Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here's the Scripture note about the passage I read this morning (Isaiah 41:21-26): God challenges the idol-worshipping heathen to prove the power of their idols by means of a test of prophecy accurately fulfilled, which of course, they cannot do. But God predicts the coming of Cyrus 150 years later.

So again, God is making a case for Himself, and His existence. I want to believe, but I am so distracted. I want to "walk with God," as they say, but I have so many other things to focus on.

I need to find a new doctor and make an appointment and talk to her about meds and about my muscle tension and knots in my neck and shoulders. I need to settle the issue with Lily's schooling. I need to figure out summer activities for the girls, and swim lessons before summer starts. I've taken on two gallery assignments for iVillage, in addition to my usual posts. I have to return my bathing suit to SwimOutlet! And the list goes on.

How does prophecy fulfilled over 2000 years ago relate to my middling life? How is it relevant? Each day I wake up and read Isaiah, and God is making a case for His existence, His involvement. Don't believe in idols! Believe in me! I'm right here--invisible but here!

Lord, I want to live out my days with purpose and to feel Your leading. I don't right now, and I'm drifting. As I write this, I'm distracted by Lily's Cat in the Hat TV show. And thoughts of what I need to do today. 

I pray for Sara to have an experience with Jesus in Your perfect time. I pray for an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011. I pray that You'll renew me, refresh me spiritually.

In Your son's name I pray.

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