Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sinus infection

Today's BSF passage was Isaiah 41:5-10. Cyrus and his armies are on a rampage, toppling nations and destroying everything in their path. The fearful people encourage one another to be strong, and help one another to prepare for his violent arrival. But God reminds the Israelites of his past protection of them.  "So do not fear, for I am with you," He says. "Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I recognized these words as part of a song, or maybe a scripture memory verse from my past. This is the first time I'm hearing it within its proper context. And this context seems removed from me, something that happened long ago and far away. I am not under siege. Not literally.

So where am I, and how are these words speaking to me? In Scripture reading, the passages I read at any given time are meant for me at that time. The living Bible speaks to me where I am, with the passage I need to hear right then.

Am I under siege? I could certainly use God's comfort, and His reassurance that He's there. I returned from the cruise and almost immediately came down with a sinus infection, a persistent ache behind my eyes and lots of icky mucus in my nasal passages. Yesterday I waited until 4 p.m. to hear back from my iVillage editor. (The usual question: Which inane post idea I should move ahead with?) I feel unfulfilled by this work, and guilty for not being more grateful for it. I am grateful for it when I think about not having it.

While I waited, I looked into finding a family dog, and spent literally hours--pointless hours--trying to locate a rescue dog that's a poodle mix fitting our needs. (Lots of needs--non-shedding, well-behaved, not to big or small, not smelly, quiet, the list goes on.) On Sunday I'd found the perfect dog and spent a half hour writing the adoption application--only to see, on Monday morning, that its status had changed from "Adoptable" to "Pending Adoption" (by somebody else, of course). Another waste of time. So I responded to that waste of time by wasting more time, looking again while I waited for my iVillage editor.

Because I felt under the weather, I did very little to celebrate Valentine's Day, and urged Lee to downplay it, too. I went to bed early, leaving Lee alone on the couch in front of the TV.

Then, today, I read the passage that God has for me. He reminds the Israelites of his past protection of them.  "So do not fear, for I am with you," He says. "Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

What does this mean for me? God's going to save me from all these inconsequential, niggling irritants? Maybe it's that I can rely on Him to help me see beyond my ridiculously entitled self?

Lord, Lily is awake. I can hear her sweet voice talking Lee's ear off upstairs. Now I don't have time to sit and meditate on Your word. I pray that You will strengthen me spiritually today, and that this silly sinus infection will fade away.

In Your son's name I pray.

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