Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God's power, not my own

Today's Verse of the Day:

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. — 2 Corinthians 4:7

Thoughts on Today's Verse....

While there are many talented and successful Christians in the world today, they are merely vessels for God's message of grace, hope, and power. Our focus should never be on the container for the message. Instead, what is most important is the integrity of the messenger no matter the situation, so that the message can be seen without distraction. God's power is what sustains us, not our own, we are simply a vessel, a tool, in the hands of the Lord.

My Prayer...

Almighty and all-powerful God, thank you for using me to minister to others as your partner in the work of grace. May my service help them more perfectly see the glory of your truth and grace you gave us in your Son. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

I needed to hear this message this morning. God's power is what sustains us, not our own, we are simply a vessel, a tool, in the hands of the Lord.

Lord, I am so enjoying writing this book, and I acknowledge that the words and ideas that flow through me are Yours. I am simply a vessel, a tool, in Your hands. Thank you.

I pray that I will be able to continue on like this. I pledge myself to You as I write. I long for Your gentle presence, your loving guidance. 

I pray for BSF today, that You will fill Betsy with Your spirit, and fill me, too, that I might help her with humility and grace. I pray for the children who are coming today, and I ask for Your guidance on how to deal with the difficult one. I pray for a peaceful room.

I pray Your blessings over Isabel and Lily at school today, and Your protection over their health. I pray that they will grow in kindness and patience and all the fruits of the spirit.

I pray for Lee, that he would know Your love for him as he struggles with feelings of disappointment at church. I pray that You would bring others into Lee's life who could ease these feelings. I pray that You would make me a better helpmate for Lee. I ask humbly that You would show me ways that I can support him.

I pray for his health.

I pray for Mom's cataract surgery, which will happen within the next hour. I pray that the doctor would be at his best, and do everything correctly, and that Mom won't have pain or discomfort. I pray that she knows how much I love her.

I pray that I will be there for her when she needs me, and for Dad, too.

In Your son's name I pray,


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