Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Corinthians 2:14

Thanks be to God. Through us he spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

LORD, my sinful nature.

I pray that You might change me. Soften me, make me more loving.

I long to be a good mother, a spiritual guide to my children. Isabel tells me about Hannah's behavior on the bus, which can be hateful. But she also tells me about her own behavior, which can be judgmental. Both girls are acting out of insecurity, as a result of not feeling Your love, keenly and palpably. Lord, I pray that Your spirit would invade and infuse their school bus. I pray for the fragrance of Him, Your son Jesus, would pervade every inch of that bus. I pray that You would put the words in my mouth that will help Isabel to see how much You love her.

All it takes is someone to be the first to be kind. Let it be Isabel!

I pray for Lee as he networks on his business trip. I pray that You would incline business associates to look favorably on Lee. I pray that You would use Lee to make life better for those around him. I pray that You would show him opportunities to serve You. I pray for blessings on him.

I pray for my Lily Bug, my bundle of sweetness. I pray that You will show her what gifts You've given her, and how You plan for her to use them.

I pray for Dad, that you would fill me with love and patience, and that You would draw Dad to You. I pray for You to use Dad's many gifts and wonderful personality to serve Your purposes.

I pray for my book. YOUR book. I pray that You would forge ahead, and that I would ride Your coattails. I pray that You would take away the pride and vanity that lurks in my heart. I pray that You would use me to glorify You.

In Your son's precious name I pray,


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