Friday, November 13, 2015

2 Timothy 1:3

I  thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did.

Lord, we are studying Revelation 4, Your throne room. There aren't superlatives enough to describe your glory and majesty. You are the source and the giver of all power and wealth. You are the judge of all sinners. You are the source of all beauty, love and mercy. You created people in Your image, to share with them. To enjoy them.

Lord, it's hard to imagine that you enjoy me, but I know that You do. You know things that I don't. Well that's an understatement. I pray that I will trust You more and more each day, and that I will love You more each day.

I pray that You would make me understand, as best as I can, Your supremacy over everything. I pray that You would show me this in my life.

I am excited about my book, Your book. Lord, I want what You want. Please make me want what You want. Please guide me forward with this book, fill me with Your ideas and Your thoughts. You know who will read it, and what they need to hear, and how they need to hear it.

Thank You for my wonderful husband!!!!! I love him, Lord. Please show me what he needs from me. Open my eyes to his needs.

Lord, Lily. Target. Will you lead the way? Should she be in it? Is that Your plan for her? How am I supposed to encourage/assist her in this? The teacher is her champion, what a wonderful blessing.

Please show me the way forward. I love her so much and want everything for her. I know that You love her more than I do, which is hard to imagine. (I love my children with such passion, it's a love in the very core of my being.) But I know You love her more. Show me the way to help, if that's what You want. 

I pray for Isabel, that she would receive from You a spirit of love for the children around her. They are not easy to love. She is just like me, dismissive and judgmental. I pray that You would soften her heart towards the knuckleheads on the school bus and in her class. I pray that she would show them kindness. And I pray that You would show ME how to impart this wisdom to her. Me, who is like the pot calling kettle black.

Lord, I pray for the day ahead. I pray for Chapter 26. Fill it with You, Lord.

In Jesus' precious name I pray,


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