Sunday, October 10, 2010

The BSF passage is Isaiah 6:8-13. God tells Isaiah to tell people about Him and to prophecy about the Babylonian deportation to come. The first question in the BSF homework is: What is God calling you to do for Him?

The first thing that comes to mind is: Love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love others in His name. What does that look like for me? I'm already throwing my heart, soul, mind and strength into loving Isabel and Lily. It's so easy to do this. The inclination just pours out of me, no effort required.

Lord, I want this to be how I feel about everyone.

To love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength is to throw myself into loving Him. What comes to mind? First, our church search. I'm not throwing myself into it. I'm ambling along, disappointed and frustrated. I'm trying a new one each week, but I'm waiting for a church to reach out and grab me. When no church does, I simply don't commit.

For the marriage exercise for Next Generation Mentoring, we were asked to incorporate three verses into our quiet time. One of the verses is 1 Corinthians 9:25. "Run in such a way as to get the prize." I've been listless in my church search. I need to take initiative. Determine which churches I can live with, drop the ones I can't, and actively court those in the first category. Today we will visit Mount Bethel Methodist again. Next week, maybe Roswell Presbyterian.

Lord, I am ready to reinvigorate this process. I am ready to commit to a church. Please bless my family through this last stage. Lee is still holding onto Northpoint and/or Buckhead Church as a possibility. I'm leaning away from that option, but I am open to what You want for us. If that's the place for us, please make it very, very evident. I'm concentrating on Mt Bethel Methodist and Roswell Pres. I believe that You are present and working in our circumstances, and that, silent and invisible though You are, You will communicate with us. I am expecting this. Amen.

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