Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life in the realm of the supernatural

I particularly love the third prayer request in Nancy Leigh DeMoss' "prayer template" (A Place of Quiet Rest, page 243).

"Fill me with Your spirit. May I be emptied of myself. May my life be lived in the realm of the supernatural. Anoint my life and ministry with supernatural power."

Today, I'd rather be in any other realm than the real, hard, tactile one. I have a long-dreaded dentist appointment (lots of cavities to be filled, novacaine shots) that's wedged between my BSF class and Lily's school pickup/afternoon play date. This morning, I woke up with a sore throat, sniffles and sneezes--just what you want to contend with while sitting motionless in a dentist's chair for an hour and a half. (Can I take ibuprofen? Will it make my gums bleed more?) I have my daily work deadline, and tonight's event at Lily's school. No access to cash--last week, Lee and I maxed out our liquid money, and we have to wait until Friday before his next paycheck. (Oh, how my father would be angry/worried if he knew we were still treading so close to the precipice, finances-wise!) We have not one, but two house guests coming this weekend--Lee's sister and her family on Friday night and Lee's friend on Saturday night. The house needs to be cleaned, the sheets washed, the bathrooms, the kitchen counters, and all the rest.

May my life be lived in the realm of the supernatural. What does that look like, Lord? It means getting outside of my sniffly self and focusing on those I come in contact with today. Lily and Isabel, the women in my BSF group, the dental assistant and hygienist and dentist, Lily's little play date, Saree, the people I encounter at Lily's school. Imagine myself as an envoy of God's. It's not about getting through this day. It's about looking for the people You put in front of me to care for today. Who will You put in front of me? Fill me with your spirit and your strength. Show me how I can do all things through Christ, who loves me. 

I am living in a supernatural realm, if I believe Scripture. Job had no idea that God himself and the devil himself were involved in his little life. He had all kinds of real, hard, tactile problems, but he was also living in the realm of the supernatural. Did Job know this? Did he kind of know, have just an inkling? Was this part of Scripture just a story, an allegory to teach us about faith? Even if it was, the point is to have faith in a living God, who has views and feelings and who exists in a supernatural realm. 

Lord, show me what you have for me today, and please, I beg you, fill me with your spirit and power as I serve you. Amen.

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