Monday, October 25, 2010

Lord, I'm feeling rushed today. I keep thinking about everything I need to do. I don't think I'll be able to meditate on Your word unless I get this list out.

Get Lily off to school, figure out dinner, buy food, buy tights for their costumes, find something to write about for today's post, then write today's post, revise American Baby magazine story, fill out W-9 form for Parents magazine, call Mom for her birthday, make time for Dad when he calls me, talk to Melanie about her concerns, deposit checks, write thank you notes,  clean off my desk, buy book for my Kindle, sort through the kids' clothes, send off the ones I'm swapping, organize my own clothes, pick up Lily and spend time with her, find an Accelerated Reading book for Isabel and read it with her, Isabel's homework...

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him...Through God's promises you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world caused by evil desires. (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Lord, I want to participate in Your divine nature and escape that anxious, rushed feeling. I want to move calmly through this day, one thing at a time, and be flexible to stop and care for others who You might put in my path. Put others in my path today, Lord. Show me how to care for them. 

I ask for this, but I don't really want it. I want to get through my to-do list. But I've seen how You work. You make serving You easy by giving me the desire to do it. You give me "everything I need for life and godliness," and that includes wanting to be loving.

I want to be more thoughtful towards Lee. With all those to-do list items above, it looks like another day of NOT being thoughtful--purposeful--about loving him. I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. But I know that You can give me the desire to love him better. You will show me ways to do it. I'm asking for it, and I will expect this from You. I can escape my own sinful self and focus on being Yours, because You will make me want to do it.  

I just want to be filled up with Your spirit, and not even acknowledge my own. I want my own spirit to take a hike.

I pray for Sara, that she will have an experience with You by February 5. And I pray that You will show me an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September of 2011. I expect these things to happen, because I believe that You are real, and You hear me right now. I'm sorry that I'm so horrible in so many ways. But I know You love me. You are real and here with me. You have great, enormous, immense power to change me. You have to do it for me, Lord. I'm just going to keep reading Your word and typing. I beg You to be with me. Amen

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