Monday, November 15, 2010

Answered Prayer

What are the chances that we'd find a church where Lee's old acquaintance was just hired to be head pastor? And that that church is about a ten minute drive to our house, and has friendly people, and a contemporary service and other kids from Tritt?

Yesterday we visited church number 10. We had very low expectations, considering the inability of churches 1-9 to meet our specific needs. I was willing to settle, had in fact already tried to settle on Mt. Bethel. But after a few weeks, Lee recoiled from that place, refused to go back. So we tried one more new one, church number 10, East Minster Presbyterian. And learned that Tim O'Connell, Lee's old roommate in Baltimore (over ten years ago), is coming to be head pastor in six weeks. Lee was over the moon.

"God must be laughing his head off right now," he said. "This is why He was waiting to show us our church. I kept saying, 'I know God wouldn't bring us down here just to drop us off.'"

Lord, my stubborn heart. I want to believe that You are in this, that this is answered prayer. It is a crazy coincidence, right? And the timing is interesting--that this pastor would show up now, while we're still looking for a church. And it's close by, and the people are friendly. And of course it would be within Your will that You'd answer my prayer about finding a church. I did pray for it--I can scroll back in this blog and find posts when I asked.  

I feel relieved and grateful that we've found a good fit. I feel hopeful that Lee will get more involved at church, join a men's group, make Christian friends. Lord, this is my prayer. Is this what You're doing? Reaching out to Lee, pulling him toward You? So many of my own prayers would be answered, needs would be met, through Your reaching out to Lee. I married a Christian man, and this is one of the wonderful benefits--that he is open to You working in his life. 

Once again, I find that this is about Lee primarily, and through Your work in him You are working in me. He needs to be the strong, spiritual head of our household in order for me to thrive spiritually. We're meant to do great things together as a couple, as a family. I've been feeling stymied by Lee's spiritual rut. But of course You have the power to change everything, and I'm supposed to pray with expectation that You hear. "Before they ask, I will answer. While they are still speaking, I will hear." I pray for Lee's spiritual strengthening. I will continue to obey You through this morning discipline of prayer and bible study. I'll watch and wait to see how You move in Lee and in me.

I pray for Sara to have an experience with Jesus by February 5, and I pray that You will show me an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011.


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