Thursday, November 11, 2010

Overcoming Evil With Good

Here's how God is communicating with me today: The BSF questions sent me to Romans 12:17-21. 

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone...Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

I'm not sure how this applies to what I'm sorting out in prayer right now. But I've been told that the Bible is a living text, that God speaks through it. And Romans 12:17-21 is where He's brought me today. 

Those verses imply a strength in character--a kind-heartedness which is not passive, but which is robust enough to overcome evil. Where is there evil around me? The tension in my marriage. The oppressiveness of financial issues. The ever-advancing procession of work deadlines, a new one each morning. My ailing teeth and the outrageous cost of fixing them! Children acting defiant. Housework.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." And based on what God's been teaching me over the last few weeks, the "good" comes from God's power, not mine. Obey Him in my marriage, and He will help. What does that look like? How exactly? Lord, please show me. Trust Him with my finances, and He will give me peace. "Do everything [including my iVillage job] without grumbling or arguing." (Phillipians 2:14)

Lord, I need You. I need to remember who You are--in charge of everything and in love with me. I'm waiting on You to give me the work You have for me to do. 

You know that my way of handling ailing relationships is to just let them slide away. It's my pattern, my means of self-preservation. But that's not an option in my marriage. I want to step up and "overcome evil with good." I love Lee, my best friend. He is kind and funny and loyal, and we have so much in common. He is a wonderful father and a gentle soul. That's just what I wanted in a husband! I am so grateful for him. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. I pray for You to intervene in his life. He needs to be healthier. I want him to cut out alcohol, leave the TV, tap back into his creative pursuits. I pray that he'll continue to flourish at work. I pray for his meeting today with the financial counselor. Make me into the wife he needs.

I pray for Sara, that she will have an experience with Jesus by February 5. I'm feeling like it's not going to happen. I'm going to push that thought aside, and just trust You. You are my sovereign God, all-powerful and entirely benevolent. You love me despite my myriad faults. You are in charge. Who am I to question You? Where was I when You created the heavens and the earth? You've said in Scripture that You will grant anything I ask in Your name. Sara's spiritual awakening is in line with Your will. How could it not be? So I'm leaving that to You.

I pray for an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011. Amen

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