Thursday, November 18, 2010

The BSF notes ask this question: Is God the foundation of your hope and the strength of your life? Omartian's book says: When you have Jesus as ruler of your life, you will come to know Him as the one "who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20). And: God wants us to understand "what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe."

Lord, I don't experience Your power because I play it safe. I want to "step out in faith," as the saying goes. But what does that mean for me? How, exactly? Any Christian who isn't a hero is a pig. I want to be a real Christian, emptied of myself and filled with You. I don't want to be a pig! What does "stepping out in faith" mean for me? Should we be looking into fostering/adopting? Should I be putting more effort into Christian writing? Praying for what to write? I do pray right now, I ask You for what You would have me write/do. Scripture says over and over that You communicate with me. But how do I know which thoughts are just my thoughts? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

I pray for Lee's meeting with the financial advisor today. I pray that we will learn how to "honor the Lord with our wealth." This is still so hard. Lord, wealth to me is security. I pray that You will show me that You are my security. How, exactly? What should my next steps be?

I pray for Sara, that she will have an experience with Jesus by February 5, and I pray that You will show me an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011. I pray for these things expectantly. Am I testing You? Yes, but You invited me to. I need to know that You hear me. "Before they ask, I will answer them. While they are still speaking, I will hear them." I am still just hanging on by faith that You hear me. I am hanging on, Lord.

Please show me what to do about Lily's schooling. Please show me how to take care of Lee. Please protect my children today.


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