Saturday, November 6, 2010


"We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day...So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Am I being renewed inwardly day by day? I'm not feeling that way these last few days. Lord, please fill me with Your Spirit. I don't want to give up, but I'm not feeling anything today--besides distracted. 

I pray for our church visit tomorrow. Our tenth attempt. Do I trust You that You're leading us? No. I feel like we're just bouncing around, trying to settle into places where we don't feel comfortable. In retrospect, will I look back and say, "God had a plan for us all along?" It doesn't feel that way. But I'm putting this forward for You now. I'm going to relax and just keep checking out new churches and not worry about it, because I am CHOOSING to believe that You have somewhere in mind for us.

I pray for Lee's visit this Thursday with the financial counselor. I want to grow closer to Lee through working out our finances. I want our finances to be something that brings us together, us against the world. I don't want to be lazy, to let him do everything. I want to trust him to lead, and to have enough understanding and knowledge that I can participate and help him. 

I pray for the situation with Lily's schooling. Do I send her to kindergarten next year, or do I wait? I'm still torn. Please show me what You want Lily to do. She is Yours. I'm just caring for her right now. What does her Heavenly Father want for her? If I knew that, I would have more peace about the decision. Will you communicate with me about this? I want to wait expectantly for your answer.

I pray for the upcoming trip to Virginia for Thanksgiving. Please guide me in being conscious of Lee's needs. And please, please alleviate the tension that descends over Lee when he's around my extended family. 

I pray for Sara to have an experience with Jesus by February 5, and I pray that You will show me an opportunity to write a book that glorifies You by September 2011. Amen

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